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USA Canada Equatorial Guinea

H-Petro-R and/or its staff members have drilled and operated wells or consulted
 on oil and gas exploration in all of these countries.


H-Petro-R, Inc.

H-Petro-R, Inc. is an Oklahoma City-based oil and gas operator with a team of geologists and reservoir engineers engaged in identifying attractive development prospects using a proprietary geologic mapping process painstakingly put together over a 10 year period by its co-founder and President, Freddie J. Hensley.

Mr. Hensley and his long time business associate and oilman, David Hanks, have participated in the drilling and operating of several hundred wells, primarily in Oklahoma most of which are still producing commercial quantities of oil and gas. Mr. Hensley discovered the Oklahoma City Will Rogers World Airport Field that has produced over 11 million barrels of oil and 79 billion cubic feet of natural gas to date and is still currently producing.

With a staff of petroleum engineers (reservoir engineers), petroleum geologists, and petroleum geophysicists HPR provides detailed exploration analysis and strategies, reasoned recommendations for drilling prospects, services in negotiating and obtaining drilling rights and title and a highly professional team approach to drilling, completion and the operation of producing wells.

Special emphasis is being put on developing oil and gas prospects in the state of Oklahoma, but the overall exploitation and exploration philosophy is based on developing high quality oil and gas prospects, regardless where they may be located.


         Freddie J. Hensley, Chairman of the Board

Ronald Coleman, President

David Hanks




© H-Petro-R, Inc. 2008  All rights reserved.